From 1 August 2018 anyone who carries out a regulated activity involving tobacco products manufacturing machinery in the UK requires a licence issued by HM Revenue and Customs.
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Reports on departmental spending over £25,000.
Find out how to claim Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax reliefs if you invest in Seed Enterprise Investment Schemes.
How to charge and account for VAT on the movement of goods between Northern Ireland and EU member states (VAT Notice 725).
This notice is about Tobacco Products Duty and the fiscal marking requirements for tobacco products.
March 2024 newsletter to update stakeholders on the latest news for tax-free savings.
This notice explains the Raw Tobacco Approval Scheme.
This notice explains the duty placed upon tobacco manufacturers to avoid facilitating smuggling.
When and how to include Overlap Relief in your 2023 to 2024 tax return if you have transition profit.
Check the availability and any issues affecting the Get an agent reference number for PAYE for Agents service.