Find out how to register for Corporation Tax as a club, co-operative or other unincorporated association.
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Use form NRL2 if you’re a non-resident company landlord who wants to receive UK rental income without deduction of UK tax.
Find out how a non-UK resident company trading in the UK through a dependent agent permanent establishment (DAPE) would register for Corporation Tax .
Find out about relief from Excise Duty for users of fuel used to generate electricity (‘Electricity Relief’).
This publication provides counts of payrolled employments in the UK from July 2014 to December 2023, with analysis by nationality, geographical region, industrial sector, age and sex.
Check the availability and any issues affecting the submit a return for the Economic Crime Levy service.
When you must use the Excise Movement and Control System (EMCS), and how to register and enrol.
Get a goods movement reference to move goods through locations which use the Goods Vehicle Movement Service.
Trader Support Service extended to end of 2025.
Tell HMRC about any tax fraud you have been involved in.