This document details the topics and questions where HMRC is most interested in the input of external research and analytical communities.
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Tax policy announcements at Autumn Budget 2024.
Income Tax on payments from pensions, tax-free allowances, how you pay tax on pensions.
Apply for a certificate to confirm that you only need to pay UK National Insurance contributions if you’re a self-employed individual working temporarily in an EU country, Gibraltar, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.
What Tax-Free Childcare is, eligibility and how to apply
Business expenses you can claim if you’re self-employed
Tax free saving for your first home and later life: what is a LISA, who can apply, 25% government bonus, withdrawal charges.
Employer and employee guide to unpaid parental leave – eligibility, how much leave can be taken and notice periods, postponing leave
How to pay your voluntary Class 3 National Insurance contributions – online, Direct Debit, bank transfer, cheque.
How to prepare a Company Tax Return for your limited company or unincorporated association – deadlines, corrections and penalties