Check a list of recent letters from HMRC to help you decide if a letter you’ve received is a scam.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Check the availability and any issues affecting the Duty Stamps online service.
Check the availability and any issues affecting the Submit a Digital Services Tax return online service.
Check what to do after a death – how to register the death, notify government departments and deal with the estate.
This Data Usage Agreement covers the disclosure by HMRC to the Legal Aid Agency to assess potential fraud within legal aid applications.
This Data Usage Agreement between HMRC and Home Office for ‘customer abroad’ data was agreed and put in place in 2023.
Check the availability and any issues affecting the Corporation Tax online service.
Find out about exercising due diligence when making customs declarations.
Use form NRL1 if you are an individual non-resident landlord who wants to apply to receive UK rental income with no UK tax deducted.
Check the availability and any issues affecting the One Stop Shop (OSS) Union scheme online service.