Check the availability of the Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) and get information on any issues.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
How to apply to HMRC for statutory and non-statutory clearances or approvals for transactions, and where to send applications.
Agricultural Property Relief for environmental land management to commence from 6 April 2025.
How to make a will: making sure it’s valid, using a solicitor and changing it when your circumstances change
This measure is about an amendment to ensure that the Targeted Anti-Avoidance Rule in the loans to participators legislation remains robust and effective against avoidance.
Find a list of codes which can be used in Data Element 5/23 to identify the location where the goods may be examined for internal temporary storage facilities (Appendix 16D).
Contact details, webchat and helplines for enquiries with HMRC on tax, Self Assessment, Child Benefit or tax credits (including Welsh language services).
Find a list of the codes which may be used to identify the location where goods may be examined for regulated aerodromes (Appendix 16B).
Experimental monthly estimates of payrolled employees and their pay from HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC) Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Real Time Information (RTI) data. Includes a flash estimate of payrolled employment and median pay for the most recent month, by geographical regions (NUTS1 and NUTS2), industrial sector (SIC2007) and age bands. This is a […]
HM Revenue and Customs’ record of those who have pre-release access to Official Statistics.