When you need to pay Capital Gains Tax if you’re not resident in the UK and are making direct or indirect disposals of UK property or land.
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Use the GAAR Advisory Panel opinion on the extraction of value from an estate, using options, by utilising property which is not excluded property, to help you recognise when arrangements may be abusive tax arrangements.
Use these rates and thresholds when you operate your payroll or provide expenses and benefits to your employees.
Use form CAT Beers 23 if you’re a commercial brewer, packager of beer or importer/exporter of beer and want to pay Beer Duty by Direct Debit.
If you import into or export from Northern Ireland you can get a decision on the origin of your goods.
Find out when you can use rebated diesel, biodiesel or kerosene in vehicles and other machinery.
A monthly summary of how HM Revenue and Customs has performed against its targets.
Use this template or the technical note to create your own template to tell HMRC of registered tax advantaged Share Incentive Plan shares.
Use the template or technical note to create your own template to tell HMRC of registered tax advantaged Save As You Earn (SAYE) options.
HMRC uses new legal powers to name tax avoidance schemes and their promoters, for the first time.