Find out about the force of law guidance for Alcohol Duty.
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If you’re a business who wants to declare goods into or keep goods in a Freeport customs site, or both, you will need to apply to use the Freeport customs special procedure.
Page archived. Latest guidance can be found by searching for ‘Economic Crime Supervision Handbook’
With the new school term starting, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is reminding families to open a Tax-Free Childcare account today to save up to £2,000 per child on their yearly childcare bills.
Check if you can delay sending HMRC full information about your goods by up to 175 days and the actions you need to take before the deadline.
You’ll need to follow normal import declarations rules for controlled goods imported into Great Britain from Ireland.
We welcome views on the draft tax regulations to specify which assets are to be treated as structural assets of an insurance company’s long-term business.
Find out if you can claim relief from employer Class 1 National Insurance contributions when you employ someone in a UK Freeport tax site.
Use supplementary pages CT600A (2015) Version 3 for accounting periods starting on or after 1 April 2015.
Use these supplementary pages if your company held an interest of 25% in a foreign company controlled from the UK, is a hybrid entity or other mismatch.