October 2023 newsletter to update stakeholders on the latest news for tax-free savings.
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Experimental monthly estimates of payrolled employees and their pay from HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC) Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Real Time Information (RTI) data. Includes a flash estimate of payrolled employment and median pay for the most recent month, by geographical regions (NUTS1 and NUTS2), industrial sector (SIC2007) and age bands. This is a […]
A bi-monthly magazine for employers and agents that gives up to date information on payroll topics.
Find out what information you’ll need for your application and apply for Authorised Economic Operator status.
Screening equality impact assessment for HMRC’s Electronic Sales Suppression project.
The PAYE expenses and benefits schema and supporting documents for PAYE software developers.
Use supplementary pages SA109 to record your residence and domicile status on your SA100 Tax Return.
Apply to have an Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) valuation checked by HMRC if you’re an employer, using form VAL231.
Get an Advance Valuation Ruling to give you legal confirmation of the correct method to use when valuing your goods and making an import declaration.
Apply to join the Flat Rate Scheme using form VAT600FRS.