Find out details of the Procedure Codes and Additional Procedure Codes (both Union and National) excluded from use with Simplified Declaration Procedure (SDP) with regular use and Entry in Declarants Records (EIDR).
Category Archives: Uncategorized
This appendix provides a detailed breakdown of the specific data elements needed for each declaration category.
Find out if you can claim Corporation Tax relief on your Research and Development (R&D) project.
Use this technical documentation for individual returns if you’re a software developer working with the Self Assessment online service.
You may be able to claim a waiver for goods brought into Northern Ireland so that you do not have to pay duty on those goods.
Find out about the treatment of Capital Gains Tax for land valuation, disposals and land leases including freehold and selling short leases.
This manual brings together the operational guidance relevant to all teams across Specialist Investigations
Guidance for traders who enter customs declaration data into the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system.
Find out if you need to pay tax on income from goods or services traded online.
How to amend or cancel simplified frontier declarations, C21s and non-special procedure non-monetary supplementary declarations.