Find out what information you will need to apply for Authorised Economic Operator status, including customs simplification status and security and safety status.
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How companies and other concerns including partnerships, pension schemes and trusts, can claim Double Taxation Relief. Types of income covered by double taxation treaties.
Find out if you qualify for Corporation Tax Film Tax Relief and what you can claim.
Find out if you qualify for Corporation Tax Animation Tax Relief and what you can claim.
Check the tariff classification for preparations put up for retail sale.
Give details of assets that became the property of the personal representatives and apply for a grant of representation in Northern Ireland.
How businesses can get a rebate of duty on light oil used as a furnace fuel.
Use form SA1 to register for Self Assessment for any reason other than self-employment.
Check if you should pay National Insurance in the UK or social security contributions in the EU, Gibraltar Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, or Switzerland.
Get guidance from HMRC if you’re a tax agent or an adviser.