If you have taxable income of less than £17,570 in 2023-24 tax year you will have no tax to pay on interest received. This figure is calculated by adding the £5,000 starting rate limit for savings
Category Archives: Income Tax
The ‘badges of trade’ tests, whilst not conclusive, are used by HMRC to help determine whether an activity is a proper economic trade / business activity or merely a money-making by-product of a
The marriage allowance applies to married couples and those in a civil partnership where a spouse or civil partner does not pay tax or pay tax above the basic rate threshold for Income Tax (i.e., one
If you are having trouble paying your tax on time you may be eligible to receive support from HMRC. An online payment plan for Self-Assessment tax bills can be used to set up instalment arrangements
When the end of a tax year passes, the 5 April 2024 for the current year, or the end of an accounting year if a company, any opportunity to take advantage of tax planning strategies closes.
If you earn over £100,000 in any tax year your personal allowance is gradually reduced by £1 for every £2 of adjusted net income over £100,000 irrespective of age. This means that any taxable receipt
There are now less than 100 days to file your 2022-23 Self-Assessment tax return online. The deadline is 31 January 2024. The deadline for paper returns ended on 31 October 2023.
You should also be
Fraudsters are continuing to target taxpayers with scam emails in advance of the deadline for the submission of Self-Assessment returns for the 2022-23 tax year. In the 12 months to September 2023,
Dividends received are taxed as income but the rates of tax applied are different to the formal Income Tax rates. Also, individuals can receive dividends up to the annual dividend allowance tax free.
The 2022-23 tax return filing deadline for taxpayers who continue to submit paper Self-Assessment returns is 31 October 2023. Late submission of a Self-Assessment return will incur a £100 late filing