Notice made under The Customs (Safety and Security Procedures) Regulations 2025 which has force of law.
Author Archives: Tide Accounting
Appeals, Reviews and Tribunals Guidance
Check the availability and any issues affecting the Child Benefit online service.
Information on how and when to submit your Alcohol Duty return and pay Alcohol Duty including exemptions.
Information on how and when to apply for approval as a new alcoholic products producer and the information you must provide as part of your approval to prove that you are fit and proper.
This manual contains guidance and processes for Self Assessment (SA)
Find out what to do if you experience a problem whilst submitting a declaration using the Customs Declaration Service.
The new Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) post April 2007, showing how payments are taxed from 6 April 2007
Check a list of software developers who can provide Customs Declaration Service software.
Learn more about the support available to tax agents and advisers which will help you and your clients.